Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Export not working in Oracle OBIEE dashboards

I was getting a javascript error when trying to export reports from a Dashboard in OBI. It looks like a piece of code is missing.

Depending on what browser you are using, the error may be about Downloadguard.js or viewcontrol.js. Or simply, 'control is undefined'.

A work-around to this (assuming you don't want to upgrade to a higher version), is the following:

1. Edit dashboard page.
2. Add the Text Object.
3. Input the following.
<script type='text/javascript' src='res/b_mozilla/downloadguard.js'></script>
4. Check the box Contains HTML Markup
5. Save it, and now the export should work!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Dear sir, thanks a lot for sharing - we had the same issue. Noting that Oracle released a patch (for the patch...): Patch 16365002: AFTER APPLYING, EXPORT COULD NOT RUN, cheers, Jonas

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