Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Favorite VPN, Phone, Cellphone, and Firewall

Here is a catch-all post about all the new toys I'm playing with. I give each of these a thumbs-up.

Are you looking for a VPN? This one isn't free, but for those who are willing to pay for awesome-ness, this is the one. Check out Private Internet Access.

Yes, not the most creative name, but they really get the job done. The price isn't bad, and while they don't have a free trial, you can pay a small amount to try it for a month. That's what I did, and I'm sold.
It's easy to use and works great. I'm no expert on VPN's, so feel free to do more homework, but I would start with this one.

Next is phones....
I'm a fan of Skype. Again, it's easy to use and you can't beat the price. For 10$ you can call any number in US/Canada for 3 months. Target and other such stores even sell $10 gift cards that can be used towards Skype, so add it to your Christmas list.

I also use a pre-paid cellphone because I don't use a cell that much. I went with page plus cellular because you can hold onto purchased minutes for a whopping 120 months (!). They use verizon towers, so I haven't had a problem using my phone most places.
It has been finicky at times, when calling out. But only once in a blue moon. And frankly, you can't beat the price. I have to buy my minutes online, since they don't sell cards in my area, but it's very easy and quick to do.
So, if like me, you don't use a cell very often. And you want to hold on to minutes as long as you can before they expire, I would check them out. They have different plans, or you can pay by the minute.

I was in the market for a firewall, and I'm currently using Comodo Firewall. So far, I'm really liking it. They have a free version, which is great. And it comes with anti-virus too, if you need it.

Okay, that's all I got for now. Just my 2 cents, hope it helps.

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