Sunday, December 16, 2012

Reading Datastage Logs

When using IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage, it's important to know how to use the logs. They can answer a lot of questions, and help isolate problems.

This is a simple introduction to reading the logs in Director.

1. Change the Refresh
You'll learn pretty quick that the default refresh is way too short. The page will refresh every 5 seconds, making it practically impossible to read anything.
First thing you should do, is lengthen the refresh time, or change it to manuel refresh only.
Go to Tools -> Options... -> General Tab ->  change the refresh time to 60 seconds or disable it.

2. Filter/Search for Warnings/Abort
Open your log file in Director. Go to View -> Filter Entries...
This will open up a box where you can filter for particular errors (ex. Warnings). You can also use Ctrl-F to search for a specific word or phrase within your log. You can also have it show more or less of the logs.

3. Check Related Log(s)
When you are checking a log for a sequence, that has several jobs, you can right-click a "Run Job" line, to see the log for that specific job. Click on Related Log.

4. Check the Details
When jobs abort, check the details. This is obvious, but some people gloss over these. Often there is more information about what caused the job to abort. Bad queries may display an error of bad syntax. A record with bad data may cause the job to abort, and often the record's data will be displayed in the error, so you can find the record and fix it, or delete it.

This is very basic information, but this is the best place to start when troubleshooting. For any just beginning in Datastage, hopefully this was helpful and Good Luck!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Remote Desktop .exe

In Windows, hit Start, and Run...  then mstsc.exe to open Remote Desktop.


I always forget this. What does it stand for?  Microsoft Terminal Services Client.
Or maybe it's easier to remember as... My STupid Sucky Computer

The program is usually located here: