Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Projects: The Ritual

Way back in 2005 I was part of a weekly D&D group. Yeah, I'll admit that.  We played for close to 2 years. At some point I created a website documenting some of our adventures, and yes, I realize the geek factor. The website is off the internet, but the files still exist in a folder on my computer somewhere.

At the end of our adventure in Eberron, I created a short and simple text-based game for DOS based on the final battle.
I happened upon it last week, so I figured I would post it here. Why not. It works on Windows 7 apparently.

If you want to kill about 5 minutes, you can download it here:

I wish I still had the code for it. It's probably hilarious.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Projects: MegaChurch game

So for several years now I've wanted to make a game that involved building a cult, or religion, or church. Basically Sim-Church, or Faith Tycoon.. you get the picture.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get started. I think I like the idea so much, I don't want to make something ultra sub-standard. And frankly, I don't have a lot of experience coding games.
But at this point, I just have to jump in and do it, or it will always be this idea in my head.

I actually wrote out a short game design at one point, and I'll probably still use it.

The plan is to use C++ and Allegro (game library). Nothing too fancy in the graphics department, so it must have good gameplay and elements of strategy.

These are the religions and denominations that I want to include in the game*:

    megachurch in action
  • Catholic
  • Evangelical
  • Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist 
  • Pentecostal 
  • Jehovah's Witnesses
  • LDS
  • Scientology
  • Islam
  • Custom 

 *subject to change

This list may get smaller or expand. The denominations on the same line will basically have the same starting stats.  And I tried to stick to religions that do more rigorous outreach/missionary work, since that will be a big part of the game.  Buddhists and Unitarian churches would be fun additions, but they wouldn't make sense for the game. Catholics barely make the list, except they have many colleges and universities, so it might work.

I want the game to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek. So poking some fun, but also showcasing how churches run.

Ze Frank hit it on the nose when he called projects like this 'brain crack'.

"We're saving them as reassuring, addictive "Brain Crack."  He'd rather get his ideas out there quickly, even if they "suck the first time you do them," because "not matter how much you plan, you have to do something for the first time."

Projects: Footsoldier

I coded a board game several years ago using C++ and the Allegro game library. It's not exactly great, but I'm happy I actually finished something.

If you like programming games, especially in C++, I'd recommend checking out that library. They have an active forum, and do 48 hour contests once or twice a year.

Footsoldier download (.zip)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Grails: Changing button background image

Such a simple thing, and it drove me crazy. How do I change the boring Grails button (actionSubmit), so it has an image background?
I created two new entries, for the button and the hover setting.


 .custombuttons input.browse {
  border:1px #D7D7D7 solid;
  background-image: url(../images/button.png);
  background-repeat: repeat-x;


.custombuttons input.browse:hover, .buttons input.browse:focus {
  border:1px #D7D7D7 solid;
  background-image: url(../images/button_hover.png);
  background-repeat: repeat-x;

The items in red of course deal with the background image. The image was a thin image file that I had repeat across the face of the button to create a gradient.

I reference the CSS in order to create my browse button.

 <g:form controller="Output" action = "browse">
   <span class ="custombuttons">
      <g:actionSubmit class="browse" value="Browse..." action="browse"/>

And that did the trick.

Grails: In the beginning...

So I'm learning Grails these days... slowly but surely.  I've never touched Ruby or Groovy, and just a touch of Java and HTML. So I'm learning not only Grails but also Groovy, Ruby, Java, Javascript, HTML and CSS.  My background is mostly in C, C++ and VB.

It's an interesting framework, with lots of possibilities. But I am fairly new at all of this. I started this blog so I can track the questions I have, and some of the solutions I find. They may not be the best, but at least I have something to go back to.

What I like best about Grails so far, is it translates easily to the Model-View-Controller concept. And you can quickly create a web-based app prototype.  Oh, and it's open source.

Book available:

Hello World!  blah..